
Back in the mid 1990’s, I moved out to Southern California with the high hopes and grand dreams of your typical recent college graduate. Then, life happened.

As with most people, hopes and dreams gradually gave way to the routine of just getting by. Only, for me, “falling in to a routine” and “just getting by” might be a bit of an understatement. While I enjoyed the occasional adventure/misadventure and pursued a career that was anything but traditional, I also allowed my life to slowly drift in to something I had never intended. Before I knew it, I awoke to find myself nearing half life; still living in my first apartment, a life centered on my profession, and a daily routine so standardized the only variable was found in which El Pollo Loco I would choose for lunch.

After acknowledging that I was allowing life to pass me by, I elected to make a change. Walking away from my home of fifteen plus years and placing the bulk of my possessions in to storage, I took a page straight out of the most clichéd dreamer’s tale; I moved to Hollywood.

Now, I set out on my “New Hollywood Life”; whether this change marks a turning point in my life’s journey, or merely a colorful stop off, remains to be seen. In any case, here is the ongoing documentation of that experience.